What can you do to make your life and your business that much better?

Learning by Doing

Learning by Doing (Photo credit: BrianCSmith)

When you continue the same action, behavior, or method you reap the same results.

So, if you want the same results, go along the same path…

If you want something more… look for ways to become a better you and have a more successful business!!

Be more understanding, listen to others compassionately, and help others achieve their goals! Let that be one of your goals! When you help others reach their goals, I feel that the rewards you get from that alone are without measure!! Volunteer your time or get involved in a cause that is important to you, and see how rewarding it is to help others reach their goals, or to even learn how to set them to change their lives.

Be realistic in your evaluation of yourself, not critical or over-indulgent. See where you can improve each day and be the best YOU that you can become, and celebrate your achievements small or large!!

Everything you do causes a ripple in the rest of society… you determine the impact of the ripple or the size of the wake!! 

Professionally, I feel, that it is important to look for ways to be more productive, increase sales, and efficiency, manage your time, and delegate responsibilities to others if you have more than you can handle on your own. Basically, analyze your output, find your holes or places where you can improve and do it, and voila increase in sales! Maybe you expand your market, your demographic, your visibility, maybe all of the above and much more!!

Business is business, but your personal life needs as much attention or more than you give your work! For some people it is hard to achieve this balance, and many of us struggle with this throughout our whole lives, others master it much sooner! Ask those that have achieved that balance ways that they balance work and play! The more ideas the better!!

I personally feel that is essential to find a balance. Make time to play, not only for your family and friends, you need this time too!! Spend time every day with your kids and your loved ones; play a game with a friend online or with your kids on the floor or kitchen table, ride bikes to the park, or slide down the slides or whatever you enjoy doing with them, they want your time and undivided attention so give it to them.  You will achieve a priceless connection and have moments to cherish your whole lives!! And an added benefit is they will behave better, its sometimes referred to as “putting money in the bank” which I don’t particularly care for the terminology but,anyway, the concept I do. The concept or technique is simply that the more time, or money, that you invest in your children the more time they will give back to you. When you talk, they will listen… because when they talked to you, they too felt heard. So in turn, they will want to hear you, too. 

So, keep your spirit young, your mind fresh and alive, explore your interests, set your goals and achieve them!! Listen to your children and invest your time into them because they are the best investmentand creation you will ever make!! Do more than dream, turn your dreams into reality one step or leap at a time!! Everything you do will see the magic and energy that lights the fire within and will keep you feeling young and beautiful forever!!

these teams were all phenominal to watch the o...

Roller Derby! Can you stay on your feet?? (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So, join an adult baseball or softball league if you love sports. Learn a new language, there’s so many fun ways to learn, pick a language or two or more and have fun with it! Join the roller derby, or take martial arts classes, or a kickboxing class if you want to blow off some steam and get a good workout!! You can join a book club, find a new hobby, learn something new, whatever peaks your interest! Have fun with it!! If you try it out and find that it doesn’t light your fire try something else, just keep learning, growing, and developing!! As long as you keep your mind feeling young, it will act like it is. You can trick or train your mind into ignoring the concept of aging, among other things! Magic tool the brain is… the body is a little tougher to get to obey but, that’s for another post. If your mind stays active learning, engaging in studies, gaming, puzzles, reading, listening to music and other activities that stimulate the brain, those pathways and connections that you made, don’t weaken. These continue to strengthen and develop, increasing your own capabilities such as your speed of processing information, memory capabilities, learning abilities, creativity, your ability to synthesize information, and so much more. Stay sharp!! Keep learning and growing!!

Don’t wait!! Start that business, write that book, take some college courses, get another degree,pursue that career, invent those products, make and create your own masterpieces, follow your dreams, and do it today!!  Do whatever you say you wish you could!! Just set your goals, pursue those goals, and when you reach them, make more, when you reach those… that’s right!!  Make more!!

The rest of your life will change immediately! Embrace it! Open yourself up to the growth! You will feel excited about your journey in life and the adventure it brings!!

Thank you for joining me on my journey, I am honored to walk a bit with you on ours!!

Coire Làir track Even on an overcast May morni...

Coire Làir track Even on an overcast May morning, when you get off the train you know you’re in for a great time. This section always makes me think of following the Yellow Brick Road! (Photo credit: Wikipedia)